The internet is not what it is without websites and this is not an argument but a fact.


The internet is not what it is without websites and this is not an argument but a fact.

Website development is the process of building and maintaining websites for the internet that is accessed through a web browser and is hosted on a server.

Just like the internet is nothing without a website; so also is a website null without a basic markup language, HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) and it is used for tagging text files to achieve font, color and graphics.

Not to worry, I did not forget CSS(Cascading Stylesheet) and Java Script. CSS adds style and beauty to the website and Java Script makes the website functional and fit for use!

Entering into web development was like moving into a new environment with new people and different styles of living.

HTML was super interesting when I started until I started CSS and was introduced into a new and beautiful world of user interfaces and unique lay outs of website pages.

The question now, Is website development a hard bone to chew? No! It isn’t. HTML and CSS are pretty simple when you relax and make it something you really want to know.

I currently have problems using margin and padding; creating navigation bars and the clumsy over-looking of linking the stylesheet (CSS) to the HTML code.

HTML, simple as it seems can turn to that complicated Mathematics problem when you stop coding and try returning to it. You would think it simple at first until you forget the right tags, the attributes to be used and linking the html to your CSS(like me lol)

Not discouraging anybody, so if you are thinking about delving into it, I tell you that WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT is IT! Pursue it! Go for it!

Did I forget to say that website development also comes with mouth-watering pay? A junior web developer can get paid about $50,003 a year and could undergo boot-camps, meet mentors and other web developers and grow in this tech space.

All in all, I’m a proud junior web developer aspiring to grow, get better and more expert at web dev.

Of course, I would be dropping my growth journey articles to engage you,my reader on how beautiful web dev can be.

For now, Adios!

Adejoju Oyebanjo.